Tuesday, June 23, 2015

On the importance of some particular religion

My religion is a big deal to me, but I mean it when I say I don't need it to be a big deal to others. What I do hope is a big deal, what I hope to spread, is compassionate love and kindness and joy and finding beauty in the world around us, and ourselves, and each other. This is what I hope I preach to others by example. The theology you consider that with is not my concern- you can subscribe to a different theology or another religion or no religion and still if I ever contribute to you having any of that, in those moments my work is successful. I find the highest pleasure and fulfillment in knowing and serving the God I worship, and I believe that when you find beauty in something or have compassionate love in your heart, you know Him, too. When you contribute to others having that, you serve Him, too.